Y-Flyer Fleet #1 is located at the Atlanta Yacht Club, Acworth, Georgia,
which is 25 minutes north of Atlanta. We have approximately 75 members
and when family members are included, this number is more than doubled.
Family participation in fleet activities is very much encouraged. Fleet
activities include approximately 70 club races per year, The Atlanta
Invitational Regatta, The Beers Regatta and several after-the-race
parties as well as numerous out-of-town regattas, sponsored by other
clubs. Trophies for Club races are awarded for the Spring series, the
Fall series and for the Season. Each year the "Most Improved" skipper
is awarded a trophy. The Y Fleet holds about 10 meetings during the
year, which are mainly social and consist of a cocktail hour, dinner
and a short business "meeting" when necessary. These dinner meetings
are held to encourage comradeship among the fleet.
The Atlanta Yacht Club is the home of Y-Flyer Fleet No. 1, first organized in the 1950's. The Y-Flyer is a 18' sloop rigged sailboat that carries a main and a jib sail and can be raced with a one or two person crew or comfortably daysailed with up to 5 people. The Y-Flyer is a one-design class of sailboat (meaning all boats are constructed to the same specifications) popular throughout the south, midwest and Canada. Its relatively light weight-- 500 lbs. fully rigged -- makes the Y-Flyer a pleasure to sail in light to medium breezed common to inland sailing. The Y-Flyer can be rigged and ready to sail in as little as 20 minutes and is one of the most active fleets both on and off the water at the Atlanta Yacht Club.
AYC Y-Flyer Fleet #1 Club Rules - Revision 7.pdf
Fleet Officers:
Primary contact: YFlyerCaptain@AtlantaYachtClub.org
Want more info on the Y-Flyer? Check out the American Y-Flyer website