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Flying scot FLEET #211

Read about Fleet #211 in the January 2021 issue of Scots n' Water, the official publication of the Flying Scot® Sailing Association.

Fleet Officers

Fleet Captain: Art Molitor

Secretary: Nancy Molitor

Treasurer: John Aquino

About the Flying Scot

The Flying Scot, a 19-foot centerboard sloop, is one of the oldest and largest one-design sailboat classes in the world. The late Sandy Douglass designed and built the boat and raced it for many years. More than 6,000 Flying Scots have been built over the last 60 years. Douglass also designed and built the Thistle and the Highlander.

In 1998, the Flying Scot was inducted in the American Sailboat Hall of Fame. Our builder, Harry Carpenter, is a Life Member of our class and races regularly at his home club and in several regattas every year around the country.

The Flying Scot is an outstanding racing boat and cruising boat and is used extensively in adult learn-to-sail programs throughout the country.

The Flying Scot Sailing Association is one of the strongest one-design class associations in the world. Our strict adherence to the one-design concept means that a Flying Scot built this year will remain compatible and competitive for years to come with newer as well as older boats.

The Flying Scot has been continuously manufactured by the same builder for almost 60 years. The Company was originally started as the Gordon Douglass Boat Company, Inc. by Gordon “Sandy” Douglass in 1957. Since its inception, the Company has changed hands twice – first, to Eric and Mary Ammann and then to the current owners, Harry and Karen Carpenter in 1991. When Harry and Karen purchased the Company they renamed it Flying Scot, Inc. Even though the business has been owned by unrelated parties it operates as a family-run business as each owner continued the principles and operating style that was the foundation. A close relationship with the class has been paramount and is a large contributing factor to the boat’s continued success. Currently, the Company is undergoing another period of transition as for the first time it is changing hands to family. Harry and Karen’s daughter, Carrie, and her husband, Tyler, have joined the Flying Scot team as part of the succession plan and to continue to grow and support the Flying Scot class.


Boat Length: 19'

Waterline: 18' 6"

Boat Weight: 850 lbs

Trailering Weight: 1200 lbs

Builder: Flying Scot, Inc - Deer Park, MD

Flying Scots Built: 6140+

For more details,  check out the Flying Scot Sailing Association and the FSSA history page.

2024 Flying Scot Wife-Husband Championship    September 27 – 29, 2024

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