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8:30 a.m., Saturday, May 24, 2025

Online registration is not open yet.  

Notice of Race  (v2024) 

Sailing Instructions (v 2024)

There is no cost, but Pre-Register on-line using the registration link.  You can still show up the morning of the Jr. Regatta, if you would like a crew spot.

  • Open to all Juniors through age 18  (cannot be 19)
  • Crew team can include one adult crew (skipper must be a Junior)  
  • Trophies for first three places
  • Need three boats to be given a start, so recruit your friends!!!!

IMPORTANT!   If you need help with borrowing a boat, finding a junior crew and/or a senior crew, or even if you just want a crew spot, please get in touch with one of our Junior recruiters and we will help place everyone who wants to participate:

Mark Sherry  ( or 678-646-7476)

Mindy Sherry  ( or 770-842-2760)

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